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How to use centrifugal fan is correct

Classify:Company news Release time:13,May,2022

Even if the user can choose a good one when choosing a centrifugal fan, if the user does not strictly follow the instructions in use, it will reduce the use effect of the fan, and even shorten the service life of the centrifugal fan, which is also a great loss for the user. The correct use of the centrifugal fan can not only ensure its use effect, but also reduce the service life of the centrifugal fan. It can also extend the service life of the fan to a large extent, so many users want to know how to use is correct, in order to reduce the damage to the fan? Today we are going to introduce some tips for using centrifugal fans. I believe that as long as the user has mastered these can certainly improve the efficiency of the fan to a certain extent.

The use of centrifugal fans begins with its start-up. There are many reasons why a startup fails or takes a very long time to start. If the motor does not move, check the setting value of the mechanism; If the motor rated power is too low, replace the motor; If the starting program is not correct, adjust the starting equipment; If the power consumption is too large when starting, verify whether the gas flow control mechanism is in the off position when starting; If the rotor is stuck, move the fan by hand to check and investigate the cause of the stuck (friction, obstructions, etc.); If the voltage at the motor connection is too low, check the power line voltage - if the loss is too large, increase the power line.

Many times the user will find that the impeller is always in the white consumption of energy. Gas circulates through a leak between the front cover and the collector. It is necessary to maintain a certain gap between the front cover of the centrifugal fan and the collector and between the casing and the rotating shaft. To ensure the reliability of fan rotation. This can alleviate this phenomenon to a great extent.

The common problem in the use of centrifugal fans is the vibration of the fan, and it is not a simple matter to fundamentally solve this problem, but if the speed of the fan is reduced, it is a very good way, and the effect of this method is also significant. However, users also need to determine what method to use according to the specific situation of the fan used to be more reasonable.

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